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Friday, October 15, 2010

urge to travel.

I've been having wanted to go on a trip for sometime now. I've been to canada, st.louis, the dakotas, washington dc, philadelphia, new york, florida, and best of all Germany and France. I went to Germany my sophomore summer of my high school for a month for school. We went to france on this trip too, but for the most part we stayed with a host family and absorbed the culture. I made new friends and learned a lot more german. I hope to one day go back there, like I told all my friends there. It's hard coming up with the money and finding time to go. One day, I will go back there though. My family is made of travelers. They have been everywhere. And most of it was before I was born, but one day I will have a list full of all the places I've been. Right now, I have an iche for Maine, California, Colorado, Australia, Italy, and England. One of these days, I'll check them all off my list.

1 comment:

  1. Thats cool, traveling is definetely fun and I can't wait unitl I can afford a trip again too. probobly after I graduate unfortunelty.
