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Friday, October 8, 2010


Well, the doctor's figured out that I must have been bite by a mosquito and got a long word that I can't remember that is in the same family as lymes disease. I'm not on medication, but still have some symptoms. Mostly I sleep a lot. Yesterday I went to my 11:20-12:15 class got home and slept til 6. Then was up for an hour or two then back to bed til this morning. The doctor said I won't feel like my complete self til Thanksgiving. I can't do much exercise and must try to be healthy as much as possible. Since the beginning of being sick I have lost 10lbs but half is muscle and tone needs, which kind of sucks. I'm so happy they found out what it was, but from out of this won't be the easiest. But FINALLY!

1 comment:

  1. Bummer, IM happy they found out what was wrong with you I prolly would a been alil nervous throughout all this time that has gone by since your symtoms started, GOOD LUCK! and get better
